Sunday, December 12, 2004

The December Post

The post of a decent ber. A ber is a boy and a ger hybrid. The decent ber ate cucumber in the month of december so that he could drink some beer and eat stew cum deer. Dear Deer, go find Richard Gere he’s in top gear and peer at the pier, maybe Pier Png is there. Now, how do you pronounce this guy’s surname? You can’t say ‘peng’ cos there’s no ‘e’ in it. So people who call him are going to make some stupid mouth gestures while trying to say ‘peng’ without letting out the ‘e’ sound. I think I’d rather go buy hum chim png. But if I eat hum chim png I’ll become a hum chi. But Hamtaro don’t live in Chai Chee. They sell a lot of muah chee and tao huay chwee in Chai Chee. Cheetah is the person who lives in Chai Chee and eat otah, and he has a relative called orang otah who lives in otah gunga. Cheetahs are actually dishonest Singaporeans who like to say “Cheat ah”. That’s why they run so fast, so that they can outrun their opponents, but I thought that was obvious. Where’s McFly? Probably made into a new dish at McDonalds, but they have so many restrictions they might as well name it McDoNots. Or McDonuts. Or McNoDarts. Trust me. I am bored. But you shouldn’t trust me. No, maybe you should. No, maybe you shouldn’t. Yes you should. A person who should be doing everything is called a shoulder. That’s why they have a road shoulder. You go onto the shoulder to show deer. You can also shoot the. The what? Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat sells a lot of Angkor Kueh.


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