Monday, February 28, 2005

When Then Sun Sets

When the sun set u go sit for SAT and be sad because you're not happy because you're not angry but because you're sad. Obvious. When someone is obvious he becomes obese and devious then must call asha devi and asha gill and asha way so that you can play some sponsored badminton while eating a ton of bad mint and making some coins in your mouth. Insects die by insecticides as coins die by coincides and homes die by homicide and bees die by beside. Then punks die by what? Sounds very appetizing, like chocolate cake. The choco was late so it did a choko-slam on the cake and the cake didn't do anything. However it did everything to force itself to do nothing but at least it did something. Thingkerbell is actually the Thinker holding a bell and trying to act like Santa Claus but he cannot pose because of his big beard and his hands will get entangled in his 2nd hair. So maybe if you look at Santa Claus' face upside down or right side up you'll see pretty much the same thing.


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